Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Football, eawag style

Yesterday, some people at eawag organized a football tourney for the whole institute.  Some 13 teams got together and played football at a nearby pitch for about 5 hours (with short 12 minutes games).  Each team was required to have one girl, and I think we were the only one with more girls than guys.  That's ecology for you.  We didn't have much experience, but had a lot of energy, and it was fun.  We finally one a game for the 11th/12th place game (our 5th and last match).  I was amazed at how well a lot of people did on energy and momentum alone without having much ball handing or strat skills.  Just go.   It was a fun afternoon and a good excuse to get away from the lab bench/computer screen (though our 17 degree C analysis room actually felt good in yesterday's heat).  Naturally the event ended with wurst and beer in proper central European style.  And the winning teams got champagne. 

Three days left here.  Pantry cleaning time.

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